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Service for chemical industry

Edges Express holding is a reliable logistic supplier with significant experience of working for chemical concerns and their raw materials suppliers. Since the establishment Edges Express has been collaborating with enterprises of chemical industries and their suppliers, paying much attention to the security, health and environmental safety of the service. AsstrA’s quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2008. Requirements of environmental management system ISO 14001:2004 are integrated into the quality management system as well.

The holding has gained reputation of a reliable logistics service supplier for world famous chemical corporations, obtained positive references and successfully passed voluntary assessment SQAS, a system to evaluate the quality, safety, security and environmental performance of Logistics Service Providers, who are specialising at transportation of chemicals.

These advantages led to the fact that in 2011 part of the transportations of chemicals increased up to 20% of the whole volume of the transactions. In 2010 total tonnage of transported by Edges Express chemicals consist more than 50 million ton. The transported goods are mostly the following:

  • Polypropylene
  • paraffin
  • Polyethylene glycol
  • Glycerine
  • Acrylates
  • Diethylene glycol 
  • Monoethanolamine
  • Basic oils

For transportation of chemicals Edges Express uses various types of transport means

  • tilted trailers
  • refrigerated trailers
  • tanker trailers
  • rail wagons
  • sea vessels

Majority of transports within Europe and to CIS countries is executed by tilted trailers or tanker trailers. As for export deliveries from CIS countries frequently rail wagons are used to deliver goods to sea ports for further cross docking and customs procedures and loading in containers or bulk to sea vessels.

In case of necessity Edges Express offers specially equipped transport means, certified for ADR cargo transportation. Most often Edges Express delivers dangerous cargo of classes 2, 3 and 9 as well as classes 5 and 6.1.

You can make a request for transport or invite Edges Express for participation in tenders at one of Edges Express offices.